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Panel for grant recipients

MARIEKE HENDRIKSEN: Anatomy between the pages: The role of anatomical handbooks in anatomical practice, 1650–1850. This paper explores how affordable anatomy books up to octavo size were used to ‘make anatomy’ by students and medical practitioners, to perform dissections and create preparations and models of the human body in early modern research and training.

MOLLY G. YARN: Invisible furniture: Women printers in the London book trade. This paper explores the challenges and rewards of researching early modern women printers, demonstrating how an approach combining archival, bibliographical, and creative methodologies can illuminate women’s lives and their contributions to the book trade.

GERI DELLA ROCCA DE CANDAL: Aldine proof sheets in the 1499 Dioscorides. While in-house manuscript corrections in Manutius’s own hand are becoming increasingly known, proof sheets are much rarer, and until recently Aldine proof sheets were not known to exist. Three of these have now been identified in different copies of the Dioscorides of 1499, allowing us for the first time to peek at the way Manutius worked and edited texts.

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