Homee and Phiroze Randeria Lecture
MIRJAM FOOT: Taste and discrimination: The Cerruti Collection of decorated bindings. Very few people outside Italy will have heard of Francesco Federico Cerruti, a man of great taste and discernment with an excellent eye for quality. As well as paintings, sculptures, ceramics and other objects of art, he collected decorated bindings, ranging in date from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, displaying a wide variety of materials, styles and designs, originating largely in Italy and France. The lecture will be profusely illustrated.
Summer visit: details will be announced in The Library for March 2024.
Registration is only required for online attendance. If you would like to attend in-person then join us at the Society of Antiquaries.
Unless stated otherwise, all our events are free of charge and anyone interested in the topic is welcome to attend.
Registration is required for all events.