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Support the Institute of English Studies
The Institute is grateful to receive donations in support of its continuing mission to promote the field of English studies in the national and international academic community.
Our funding priorities include:
This appeal, in honour of the life and work of Keith Sambrook, aims to raise vital funds in support of the next generation of IES students and scholars. This support allows us to attract the best and brightest students to the Institute, regardless of their personal or financial circumstances and is a crucial step in promoting equality, diversity and inclusion at the Institute.
2. The T.S. Eliot International Summer School
Securing the financial future of the T.S. Eliot International Summer School and providing extensive bursary support to its students from across the globe.
3. Areas of greatest need within the Institute
- Funding MA/MRes and MPhil/PhD studentships
- Offering bursary assistance on our many summer school programmes, including the Nineteenth Century Study Week, the London International Palaeography Summer School, and the London Rare Books School
To support the Institute and its mission, please donate via the link below. Gifts are processed through the University of London Development Office. Through the Development Office, we look forward to keeping you up to date on how your generosity makes a difference.
Gifts from the United States
The University of London is registered with the British Schools and Universities Foundation, a US-based education foundation with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. This means alumni and friends of the University who are United States taxpayers are able to benefit from the same tax deductions on their charitable donations as they would if they gave to a United States based university or charity. Donations can be made online by credit card on the BSUF website or by completing a Donor Transmittal Form and sending it to BSUF with your check, made payable to British Schools and Universities Foundation.
When making your donation, please indicate ‘University of London’ as the Approved Institution and either ‘Institute of English Studies’ or ‘T.S. Eliot International Summer School’ as the Special Purpose of your gift.This will ensure that both the BSUF and the University of London Development Office will be able to process your donation in line with your wishes.
The BSUF will provide you with a receipt that you can use in your tax return.