Dr David Pearson
SAS Distinguished Senior Fellow
David Pearson retired from a long professional career in libraries and archives in February 2017 and is now concentrating on work as a book historian.
Email: dp1759@gmail.com

He has published extensively on ways in which books have been owned, used and bound, where his ongoing research interests lie, and runs the freely online database Book Owners Online. His books include Provenance Research in Book History (new edn 2019), English Bookbinding Styles 1450-1800 (2005, repr 2014), Book Ownership in Stuart England (2021), Speaking Volumes: Books with Histories (2022), and Cambridge Bookbinding 1450-1770 (2023). He is a Past President of the Bibliographical Society, was Lyell Reader in Bibliography at Oxford in 2018, and Sandars Reader at Cambridge in 2023.
He is a tutor for the History of the Book MA Course at the Institute of English Studies and has regularly taught at the Rare Books Schools in London, Virginia, and Australia/New Zealand.