The entire Archive is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the Universal Copyright Convention. The copyright in hitherto unpublished materials by William Sharp/"Fiona Macleod" © 2002 is held by Rosemarie Sharp. The copyright in editorial apparatus and design © 2002 is held by the Archive Editor, William F. Halloran (wfh30@hotmail.com). Publication (print or electronic) or commercial use of any of the copyrighted materials without direct authorization from the copyright holders is prohibited. Copying of materials from the Archive is permitted only under the fair-use provisions of copyright law. To obtain permission to use material in the Archive that is not otherwise available in print, contact the Editor of the Archive. No permission is necessary to link to the Archive or to individual items in the Archive.
1855-1881 PDF, 161KB
1882- 1884 PDF, 169KB
1885-1886 PDF, 106KB
1887-1888 PDF, 123KB
1889 PDF, 135KB revised version added June 2009
1890 PDF, 134KB
1891 PDF, 99KB
1892a PDF, 135KB
1892b PDF, 105KB
1893 PDF, 123KB
1894 PDF, 245KB
1895a PDF, 205KB
1895b PDF, 237KB
1896a PDF, 278KB
1896b PDF, 395KB revised June 2007
1897 PDF, 227KB
1898 PDF, 169KB
1899a PDF, 175KB
1899b PDF, 125KB
1900 PDF, 154KB
1901 PDF, 692KB
1902 PDF, 219KB
1903 PDF, 300KB
1904 PDF, 376KB
1905 PDF, 844KB
1907 Forthcoming